Highlighting all museums, galleries, and cultural centres across British Columbia

BC Museums Week 2023: Celebrating Impact, Change, and Heritage

Instagram: bc_museums_association
Hashtags: #MuseumsChangeLives #BCMW2023 #Vancouver #AtMOV #Impact #Change #Celebrate #BritishColumbia
BC Museums Week is an annual gathering that unites numerous arts, culture, and heritage professionals hailing from British Columbia and beyond. This remarkable event is dedicated to recognizing how the sector surpasses expectations, spearheads transformative shifts, and leaves a profound imprint on the lives of Canadians.⁠

As we embark on BC Museums Week 2023, we turn our focus towards the significant contributions made by museums, galleries, and cultural centers throughout British Columbia. These institutions play a pivotal role in shaping and enriching our communities. Now, more than ever, it is imperative to advocate for the indispensable value that museums bring.⁠

To delve deeper into the fascinating world of BC Museums Week 2023 and discover ways you can actively participate. Join us in celebrating the enduring impact, ongoing change, and treasured heritage that define our vibrant province of British Columbia.⁠
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